Monday, April 30, 2007

2007 Partnership for Asia Conference

I had a great time this past weekend (Saturday, April 28) at the OMF 2007 Partnership for Asia Conference in Redwood City at the Peninsula Covenant Church. To kick things off Saturday morning, Dr Choi gave a good overview of the modern missions movement. John Warton's overview of the different types of marketplace ministry was really interesting to me, since that's my interest now. He is the CEO of the Business Professionals Network, which seeks ways to encourage and support others in the task of "missions through business." During the lunch break, I had the chance to reconnect with Steve and Kathi Weemes, a missions minded couple I met at Urbana 06. They are currently living in California and preparing to move back to Tokyo to continue with their missions work. Steve serves with OMF and Kathi teaches at the Christian Academy in Japan. Dr. Larry Dinkins led a great workshop on "Dealing with Personal Issues Before Crossing Cultures". If you're planning to do any short-term or long-term missions work reading some of his writings on healing is really useful. This was my first OMF sponsored conference. I believe I learned a lot and I can say I'll definitely consider attending other OMF events in the future. I posted a few photos online.